Check list when editing essay

Check list when editing essay Blanc Media LTD

Just as you should warm up before a hard workout, the writing of your essay also needs some preparation and proofreading afterward.
2022-05-27, by ,

#Essays || #Writing || #Edycation ||

Table of contents:

After you have completed one or more drafts of your essay, use the following checklist as a guide for revision and editing to prepare the final version.

Remember that the best essay editing is done by professionals. If you decide to use professional help, look at the best admission essay editing service list and choose the one that suits you best.

Decide what type of essay you have

There are different types of essays, and of course, it's super important to know exactly what makes up each variation so you don't "miss the point" when writing. So, we'd like to briefly introduce you to the main types of essays:

  1. Summary: A summary gives the most important information. It uses sober and non-judgmental language. Further characteristics of a content summary are the renunciation of suspense arcs and interpretive parts.
  2. Interpretation: it speaks for itself. It serves to put the text into an overall context and to understand it better. For this purpose, it is important to illuminate or take into account the author's intention and also his personal, historical, and political background.
  3. Characterization: In a characterization, you deal with the most important characteristics and traits of a person or character. The background, traits, and behavior are described and, standing on their own, but also considered in the context of other participants.
  4. Stories/Narratives: A narrative relates what has happened and places it in context at the time it is told. It uses devices of language and style that illustrate the whole and may also contain arcs of suspense.
  5. Report: a report is a sober and non-judgmental sequence of something that has happened. It is limited to the plain facts and emphasizes details.
  6. Opinion: In an opinion, you give your own opinion about something and weigh the pros and cons.

How long should your essay be? You may get a hint or clear instruction about the length of the text in the assignment. If this is not the case, then you can orient yourself to an average length of about 1,5 - 2 pages, depending on how much time you have. Above all, make sure that your essay is neither too short nor too long.


Now, your summary, report, or any other type of essay is ready. Here is a checklist that will help you to determine whether you have done it right:

  • Does your introduction have a clearly defined experience you want to talk about?
  • Did you specific details that will increase the interest of your readers?
  • Have you clearly explained who was involved, when, and where the incident occurred?
  • Have you organized the sequence of events in chronological order?
  • Have you used accurate descriptive details to make your story interesting?
  • Have you used dialogue?
  • Did you use clear transitions to connect the dots and lead your readers from one point to another?
  • Did you clearly explain in your conclusion the special significance of the experience you have written about?
  • Have you read the essay out loud and carefully proofread it?

Some of these points might not be important or even relevant to your essay. If your essay editing comes to a standstill, you can always use essay editing services that will help you do it right.

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